The Stop Epidemics There and Here (SETH) Fund is intended to provide financial support and assistance to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and its Member States in managing outbreaks and emergencies with health and humanitarian consequences, across the risk management cycle (preparedness, response and early recovery). 


At the 17th special session of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 4 November, 2014, the Heads discussed two public health challenges facing the Community: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD); and the Chikungunya outbreak. The Heads of Government agreed that the responses to the diseases must be a Community effort, and that no Member State of CARICOM should have to battle the public health challenges of infectious and vector-borne diseases on its own. While there had been no reported cases of Ebola Virus Disease in the Region, the Heads urged strengthening of the regional public health capacity to confront the possibility of infectious and vector-borne disease outbreaks, as well as epidemics and disasters driven by climate change.

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The Meeting adopted a 10-point plan of action to manage the spread of infectious and vector-borne diseases in the Region.  The creation of a Stop Ebola There and Here Fund (SETH Fund) was an integral part of the 10-point action plan.  Although Ebola came under control, other threats emerged.  It is to these threats that CARPHA and the Caribbean health community have been responding, the latest of which is Zika.

Given the changing landscape, as well as the relevance of this initiative to regional health security, it was recommended that the narrow focus of Ebola be changed to include all major threats to regional health security. The Fund is therefore now referred to as the Stop Epidemics There and Here (SETH) Fund.

Official CARPH SETH Fund Theme Song


The SETH Fund aims to improve regional health security by:

  • Aiding with the public health investigations, containment and prevention of the spread of an outbreak, epidemic or a pandemic-prone disease utilising effective response strategies to the public health emergency
  • Helping save lives as a result of early and effective health interventions
  • Developing a unified strategy among CARPHA countries aimed at working together to preserve the wellbeing and health of our nationals and visitors through support for preparedness activities
  • Creating and continuously funding a Regional Rapid Response Team (conceptualised as CaribREACT) able to reach any member state in 72 hours to provide technical assistance and funding for the national response team to contain/stop an outbreak early on, gaining experience for regional benefit
  • Supporting public education of our citizens and visitors, to ensure that they know the facts of prevention, infection and spread of regional and global epidemics/public health threats
  • Facilitating CARPHA to participate in World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization (WHO/PAHO) and Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) disaster and epidemic response mechanisms


The fund will undertake the following activities in support of fulfilling its mandate, which include:

  • Deployment of rapid response personnel during outbreaks, public health emergencies, severe natural disasters, chemical and other events with health consequences
  • Field activities directly related to an outbreak, epidemic or public health emergency response, including disease surveillance, information systems and related communications
  • Immediate response interventions against vaccine-preventable diseases
  • Participating, where required, as part of global response teams for outbreaks and public health emergencies outside of the Caribbean to both provide technical assistance to contain the spread of the epidemic at source and to build capacity to manage/respond to outbreaks and public health emergencies
  • Undertaking simulation executions
  • Training personnel to establish/enhance national and region surge capacity for health response and deployment to affected countries in health emergencies. As part of this preparation to respond to critical requests, the Fund will support the emergency response team with all relevant protection, treatment and response equipment.
  • Developing and disseminating educational and awareness messages to alert the public and relevant parties of epidemiological emergencies.


Everyone can contribute. The SETH Fund needs donations from governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the corporate community, development agencies and citizens like you, here and abroad.

As an individual, you can make a donation to the SETH Fund via Pay Pal or send a cheque to The CARPHA Foundation. Click the DONATE button below to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Funding decisions will be guided by the core objectives of the SETH Fund and will be recorded by the Advisory Board and made transparently available online.

The SETH Fund will support appropriate and early preparedness response activities subject to the fulfilment of at least one (1) of the following conditions:

1. A formal declaration of an outbreak or a public health emergency by the responsible authorities of the CMS in collaboration with CARPHA

2. The existence of a humanitarian crisis in a CMS

The maximum value of any application to the Fund will be US$ 50,000 based on an official request for assistance from the CMS.

The SETH Fund will be administered by an Advisory Board, a Finance & Audit Committee and a Secretariat. The Advisory Board will comprise members of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism of Health Security (RCMHS) and will ensure full compliance with the goals and objectives of the Fund.

CARPHA is the Secretariat and will oversee the operations and administrations of the Fund in line with its objectives, function and mission. CARPHA’s existing Finance and Audit Committee will provide financial oversight for the Secretariat.

CARPHA and Governments of CARPHA Member States (CMS) can access the Fund.

Use the resources below to submit an application to the SETH Fund.


Want to learn more? Email us at carphafoundation@carpha.org for more information on how you can contribute to the SETH Fund.